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Date(s) - 05/06/2018
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Aratani Theatre

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Aratani Theatre
May 6, 2018 4:00 pm

“Could it be that Filipino food, the underdog of Asian cuisines, is having its moment at last?” — The New York Times

In ULAM: Main Dish, Filipino-American first-time filmmaker Alexandra Cuerdo follows the rise of the Filipino food movement in the U.S. via the chefs crossing over to the center of the American table. #ulamthemovie #filipinofoodmovement

Featuring Chefs Alvin Cailan (Egg Slut, Unit 120, Amboy), Nicole Ponseca & Miguel Trinidad (Maharlika, Jeepney), Romy Dorotan & Amy Besa (Purple Yam), Johneric Concordia & Christine Araquel-Concordia (The Park’s Finest), Charles Olalia (RiceBar), Chase Valencia & Chad Valencia (LASA), and Andre Guerrero (The Oinkster, Maximiliano, The Little Bear).

Join us at the table! Buy your tickets now.

After watching this film, you WILL be hungry. So join us for some mouth-watering Filipino food at cineMerienda on Sunday, May 6th at 6:00 pm at the James Irvine Japanese Garden @ JACCC. Separate ticket is required.