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Date(s) - 05/13/2017
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Bonita-Sunnyside Branch Library

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We would be greatly honored to have the Los Angeles Philippine Honorary Consul General to attend our Opening Ceremony for the 6th Annual PTE-HOPE Multicultural Festival. The following cultural joint group collaboratives consist of Filipino’s, Latino’s, African American, European/Caucasian and other Asian/other ethnicity communities. We have been funded by the Port Authority of San Diego; County of San Diego Board of Supervisors, Supervisor Cox, Supervisor Ron Roberts and former Supervisor Dave Roberts; San Diego County Library; Friends of Bonita Library; Bonita Historical Museum and other Filipino donors in the San Diego community. Our participants involved are Concerned Filipino American Club of San Diego; Women Esprit de Corps; Filipino American Veterans Association of San Diego; Fleets Reserve Association Branch 84; Pangasinan Association of San Diego; Zambales Association of Santa Cruz; Filipino Research and Development Institute; News; Phil Am BID; House of Mexico in Balboa Park; Vietnamese American Voters Alliance; San Diego Black Storyteller; San Diego Black Historical Society; San Diego Black Film Festival; San Diego Black Museum; San Diego Dr Martin Luther King Club; San Diego Black Writers Group; NAACP San Diego Branch; Microsoft; Google; Live Well San Diego; San Diego International Airport; Nordstrom; San Diego Sheriff Department; San Diego Workforce (South County Career Center); Rock Church in Bonita and Point Loma; Miss San Diego/Miss Orange County/Miss California to Miss America Representatives; 3 Wise Men DJ from Gaslamp District; Entertaining and Volunteering Students from Bonita High School, San Ysidro High School, Morse High School, Westview High School, Bell Junior High School, Montgomery High School, etc.; Philippine World Boxing Champions Manny Melchor and Mexico’s Wrestling Champions; BibliaFashion; Glen Abbey Mortuary; Greenwood Mortuary; Pasacat Dance Troupe and the list goes on. PLEASE NOTE: Members requesting for the Honorable LA Philippine Consul General Only. Not requesting representative from San Diego. Thank You. Please contact us at