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Date(s) - 11/10/2017
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The Federation of Philippine American Chambers of Commerce (FPACC) is hosting the Bi-National Convention and B2B International Trade hosting in Scottsdale, Arizona and Los Angeles, CA on Nov. 10-15, 2017. This will involve an international delegation of top executives of companies belonging to the Philippine Chamber of Commerce & Industry (PCCI) to meet up and forge possible business ties with counterpart US companies. FPACC also invited a couple of Philippine national and local government leaders to speak during the plenary and breakout workshop sessions in Arizona. The business conference and B2B sessions will continue in Los Angeles on Nov. 14 & 15 and this will be hosted by the 3 Filipino American Chambers of Commerce in SOCAL – FACC-GLA, FACC-SLAA and FACC-Tri County in cooperation with the Valley Economic Alliance and the Valley International Trade Association. We invite all interested US companies to connect with our VP for International Trade & Commerce Alex Borromeo (email to learn more about FPACC’s FREE B2B matching services.