Dual Citizenship under Republic Act No. 9225 (RA 9225) applies only to constitutionally-defined natural-born Filipinos who lost their Filipino citizenship through naturalization or foreign citizenship. Those who fall under this definition can apply for dual citizenship (RA 9225) here
Thus, foreigners and those who acquired Philippine citizenship through naturalization cannot apply under this law but can apply плитоноска купить for naturalization as a Filipino Citizen under the following laws:
- Commonwealth Act No. 473, as amended or the Revised Naturalization Act (this is through the Philippine Trial Courts)
- Republic Act No. 9139 or the Administrative куртка зимняя тактическая Naturalization Law (Contact the Special Committee on Naturalization [click here] for the procedure and requirements)
RA 9225 also does not apply to those born in the United States військова форма жіноча under the following circumstances:
- Born before January 17, 1973 to a:
- Filipino Father; or
- Born after January 17, 1973 ,whose fathers or mothers are citizens убакс of the Philippines at the time of their birth;
Under the above circumstances the person is a dual citizen by birth and тактичні джинси need only to comply with the Report of Birth requirements found here