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Applying for Dual Citizenship?

November 19, 2015

Dual Citizenship under Republic Act No. 9225 (RA 9225) applies only to constitutionally-defined natural-born Filipinos who lost their Filipino citizenship through naturalization or foreign citizenship. Those who fall under this definition can apply for dual citizenship (RA 9225) here

Thus, foreigners and those who acquired Philippine citizenship through naturalization cannot apply under this law but can apply плитоноска купить for naturalization as a Filipino Citizen under the following laws:

RA 9225 also does not apply to those born in the United States військова форма жіноча under the following circumstances:

  • Born before January 17, 1973 to a:
  1. Filipino Father; or
  • Born after January 17, 1973 ,whose fathers or mothers are citizens убакс of the Philippines at the time of their birth;

Under the above circumstances the person is a dual citizen by birth and тактичні джинси need only to comply with the Report of Birth requirements found here

Frequently Asked Questions



The Consulate General informs the public that it will be closed on:

04 July 2024 (US Independence Day)

For those with Consulate Emergencies or Inquiries kindly contact us here:

Thank you for your patience and cooperation


From May 15, 2019, the Consulate cannot authenticate the signatures on the following public documents:(1) notarized documents and (2) documents signed/issued/certified by a Federal, State, County, City, University or School Official.

The change is due to the Philippines officially becoming a party to the Apostille Convention.

For more information, visit our Authentication webpage here.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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