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[Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) to Take Over Protection-of-Overseas Filipinos Function from DFA] Effective 1 July 2023, all assistance involving Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) will be handled by DMW through its various Migrant Workers Offices abroad. In Los Angeles, the function of extending protection to OFWs will be handled by the Migrant Workers Office-Los Angeles (MWO-LA) headed by Labor Attache Macy Maglanque. To ensure a smooth transition, the Philippine Consulate General in Los Angeles and MWO-LA have been meeting regularly to discuss the delineation of functions and turnover of cases involving OFWs in Southern California, Arizona, and Southern Nevada.

June 21, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions



The Consulate General informs the public that it will be closed on:

04 July 2024 (US Independence Day)

For those with Consulate Emergencies or Inquiries kindly contact us here:

Thank you for your patience and cooperation


From May 15, 2019, the Consulate cannot authenticate the signatures on the following public documents:(1) notarized documents and (2) documents signed/issued/certified by a Federal, State, County, City, University or School Official.

The change is due to the Philippines officially becoming a party to the Apostille Convention.

For more information, visit our Authentication webpage here.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Track your Document, Passport Here


Filcom Organizations registered with the Consulate